Monday, April 14, 2008

Do Fathers Rights Leaders Understand Nonviolent Resistence

Many people ask why Boycott Florida orange juice and California wine? There are many proponents of the Fathers rights movement that profess a belief in the teachings and sayings of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Yet when you delve into their knowledge of the practices of Gandhi and King you find that they have only scratched the surface when studying the methods of these two leaders. Gandhi set forth a very specific template of actions in order persuade the British to leave India. Despite the fact that he made incredibly moving speeches to persuade his opponents it was the actions of his followers that drove his point home. Gandhi believed that if he could not persuade you he would find someone else that could. This was achieved by the economic boycott of the British monopolies on salt and cloth. Gandhi didn’t hesitate to put thousands of Englishmen out of work. It was the discontent of these out of work Englishmen that eventually convinced the British government to concede defeat. So why Florida orange juice and California wine? It should be evident to anyone the value of these agricultural commodities to each state. California reaps over $1 billion a year from its wine industry. Florida spends millions promoting orange juice and tourism. Yet neither state gives a damn about the rights of a divorced father! In keeping with the boycotts of British salt, cloth, the Birmingham bus companies and the white own businesses of the segregated South we are instituting a worldwide boycott of Florida orange juice, California wine and their theme parks. If these states are prepared to ignore the voices of so many disenfranchised fathers then they will surely listen to the complaints and pain of their growers and corporate theme park owners. So join us as we spread the pain and suffering of our children and fathers across the entire states of Florida and California. Remember once these states fall and grant Fathers’ equal rights and equal custody this boycott will be shifted to other deserving states such as Vermont, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia and the many other states that turn their backs on the Rights of Fathers and the Happiness of our Children.

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