Saturday, December 18, 2010

The State Department Games Continue

In September of 2010 The Obama Administration appointed Samantha Powers to be the Point person on the japanese abduction issue. Despite the passage of H Res 1326 on September 29th, over 90 days have passed and the parents of the japanese government abductee's have yet to receive the time of day from Ms. Powers or any recognition of concern from the President.

As a participate of the September 2010 State Department closed Town hall meeting I was lectured to by Asst Sec of State Kurt Campbell about how unimportant our issue was to Congress. His reasoning was that in the year of meeting with us, he had only had 1 member of Congress question him about our issue. We were cajoled to make a greater effort if we expected the Administration to raise the level of importance concerning our children. On September 29th The House of Representatives passed H Res 1326 condemning japan for International child abduction.

It was such a surprise to see the change in Campbell’s attitude when he testified before the Foreign Affairs committee on Pacific Islands. As if he had an epiphany, with a come to Jesus moment, Campbell assured Congressman Smith of New Jersey that he understood the importance of H Res 1326.

Yet, President Obama had a precedent 2 week Far East jaunt with 2 meetings with the japanese government and No public announcement about the 300 children held captive in japan was made.

Recently the Justice Department hired a bias expert to undermine the State Department efforts to return the US Citizen children abducted with the collusion of the japanese government. The bias expert, working both sides of the street, held an all expense paid lecture and client fishing expedition in japan, dangling the prospect of his support for their myth alluding to the abuse of the abducting parents and that these sorely abused parents and the japanese government were only acting in the best interest of the child.

Using the conjecture of the bias expert and the japanese government, one can only assume that the 5 missing children taken to North Korea 30 years ago were runaways fleeing a abusive home life. As outlandish as this sounds, we the parents of the 300 abducted children have the right to question the silence of the Obama Administration regarding our children. Over and over we have been given the assurance of Asst Sec. of State, Campbell that the profile of our issue was going to be publicly raised by the Administration. Over and over we have trudged to DC waiting for a public show of support with just a photo op or a handshake from Sec of State Clinton or President Obama. We have watched with broken hearts as both Sec Clinton and Obama have met publicly with the parent's of the 5 missing japanese, and waited for a glimmer of recognition about the whereabouts or welfare of the 300 missing US citizen children.

Yet here we come to Washington DC again, at our own expense, to be cajoled and managed by the State Department into a compliant little group of smiling happy campers waiting with baited breath for Santa Obama, with his personnel elf Samantha Powers, to drop down the chimney with our children wrapped up in fancy paper and pretty bows.

In reality we are being lead down the primrose path with another meeting with another State Department flunky, appointed over a half a year ago, who couldn’t be bothered to show up at the September meeting. One can only wonder if it is the intention of The State Department to wear us down, as one child after another, ages out of their system. A day is 24 hours, a month averages 30 days and a year 12 months. Every 24 hours another day of my daughter's life is stolen from me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting story. I'm part of this community, unfortunately.
I did mention your blog post, and wanted to let you know.
Thank you for writing it.
Brian Prager